Nic Ross
The SDSS-3 Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey (BOSS)
is assembling an unprecedented dataset of high, z>2, quasars.
With nearly two years of observations already complete,
50,000 z>2.2 objects have been spectroscopically identified,
a third of the final sample.
In this talk, I plan to: (i) Introduce and gave the latest
news on the BOSS Quasar Survey; (ii) describe the techniques
that went into the target selection necessary to detect these
objects; (iii) report on some of the initial science results from
the BOSS project, including the quasar luminosity function
and the variable nature of luminous AGN; and (iv) give some
very early results on new investigations into the MIR (WISE)
and FIR (Herschel) properties of BOSS quasars, and how these
could tie-in to the next generation of large (ground-based)
spectroscopic surveys.